sâmbătă, 23 noiembrie 2013

Constructive Feedback

Hi Everyone,

The few of you that have visited my blog in the last couple of days might have noticed things getting changed/moved a little around.Thanks to some very constructive feedback from some of my friends, i decided to optimize a bit the raw image of my new blog.
As you can see from my second post the publishing language has been changed to English, after all, as one of my good friends say, English it's our second native language nowadays... Most of the posts that will follow will probably be in English, but there's no need to worry as i have added the translation widget on the right hand side of the blog just in case.
The long image trail from the previous post has been removed, and a  link to my Picasa album has been embedded in the post for faster and improved navigation, and for comforting your eyesight while browsing through the  Vatican Stamp Collection.

Last but not least, probably the most important and visible changes are the "My Shop" link on the top right hand-side bar which i encourage you to visit, and the superb background image.

In respect to the latter i have put together a few descriptive words which you can read below:

"One of the most expensive ever sold Romanian letters dating 1869 displaying three unique Carl 1st lithographed stamps (international edition) sent from Braila on August the 17th transiting Viena and finally arriving to Wexford Ireland on August the 24th 1869. An exceptional piece and probably one of the most beautiful classic Romanian letters of all times. Well worth the 11500 CHF it sold for at Corniphila..."

See you soon!

duminică, 3 noiembrie 2013

Colectie de vanzare

Dragi colectionari,

Imi incep prima postare pe blog nu asa cum mi-as fi dorit (printr-un articol filatelic) ci prin expunerea unei colectii, ce o detin, de marci apartinand staului Vatican. M-am hotarat acum ceva timp ca a sosit momentul sa ma despart incet de prietenii mei tacuti, pe care i-am adunat cu grija de-a lungul timpului, nu din dorinta de a ma imbogati ci din motive mai mult sau mai putin personale.

Cei ce au reusit sa vizioneze o parte din licitatiile din magazinul meu de pe okazii au observat deja faptul ca am inceput sa desfac si colectia mea de timbre romanesti din perioada 1900 -1950 marea lor majoritate fiind neuzate. Daca nu ati reusit sa vizitati magazinul o puteti face acum facand un click aici.
Incerc din rasputeri, unde se poate, sa ofer cel mai mic pret de pe okazii pentru vizitatorii magazinului, insa binenteles ca nu-mi iese intotdeauna...

Dar sa revin la subiectul initial si anume Colectia de timbre Vatican.
Mai jos, voi adauga pozele colectiei astfel incat sa va faceti o idee despre ce contine si despre valoarea ei.


"Colectie Vatican 1852 - 1994 in album Schaubek Hingeless casing dedicat (Vatican) cu insertii aurite si cu posete protectoare din polietilena pentru fiecare timbru si colita, individuale.
Albumul este complet cu timbre neuzate in masura de 98% timbrele pana la 1930 au sarniere, dupa aceasta perioada toate seriile sunt neuzate fara sarniera in conditie impecabila (MNH**)
Colectia contine primele timbre emise la 1852 si 1867 si de asemenea blocul rarisim de 4 MNH ,Stanley Gibbons Cat Number MS176a, evaluat la 400 GBP."

Pentru mai multe imagini ale colectiei faceti click aici